Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The 2010 Prius in-depth review - review video

Even though we're on the final stages of editing the actual in-depth review of the Canadian 2010 Prius, we opted to make the wait less painful by releasing the video review earlier.

At the end of the video you'll also find a summary of the observed fuel economy along with the set of techniques we used for our testing.

However, I will also attempt to answer a couple questions regarding the maximum fuel economy economy we achieved in this car, but before doing so allow me to provide an appropriate context:
- The numbers I will mention are the "displayed fuel economy" and not the actual consumption (hand calculated). Please note that the Prius III tends to overestimate its displayed fuel economy.
- These numbers were recorded on a "per trip segment" and also under somewhat favorable conditions (low speed and light traffic)
- Low speed pulse and glide was often the preferred technique under these scenarios.

Anyway, under the conditions mentioned above, our best fuel economy was recorded at 1.8 L/100km over a ~11+ KM segment... but as some of us know, sustaining these numbers over longer distances is an entirely different matter and may require a bit more work and focus.



  1. Interesting although I would definitely NOT consider going less than 85km/h on a highway safe. If you want to travel those speeds, you should be on a two lane 80km/h posted speed limit road. The posted speed limit on most highways in Canada is 100km/h, not 85km/h. Realistically the Prius' highway mileage is NOT 3.0-3.3 L since you should be doing about 95-105 km/h, not 85!

  2. In all Canadian highways, the posted speed limit is the MAXIMUM speed at which anyone should drive WHEN THE CONDITIONS ALLOW.
    And since the law is neither ambiguous nor devoid of purpose, driving at or legally below the posted speed limit is a matter of proper judgment and safety.

    Furthermore and as posted on most Canadian highways: the "Slower traffic must move right" and on this note, the video illustrates a level of lawful and sensible driving that is not only ecologically minded but also geared to reduce fuel usage, increase safety and extract the most this hybrid technology can offer.

    Unfortunately, many Canadians conveniently and opportunistically assume/believe that the posted speed limit is the practical MINIMUM speed you should drive at. And yet, while the statistics continue to indicate that speeding is one of the leading cause of traffic fatalities on our highways, many Canadians remain oblivious to this fact as well as the science and reasons why slower and safer speeds is good for us all.

  3. Also, 3.0-3.3 L/100km is achieved by placing the engine into an IGN range of 19-22 with the help of a scangauge. This engine behavior defines the SHM mode on the 3G Prius.

    As we demonstrate, this is yet another hypermiling technique that ordinary driving often cannot leverage but is there for anyone who wants to make a difference.


  4. MSantos..
    u gave me such good advice regarding my '03 HCH. can you give me any insight into the EGR. a dealership claims that will solve my hesitation problem and its not a tranny issue. u can reply to me thru under rikfre

  5. In addition to what Anonymous said I would like to add that in Ontario, the Ministry's website states "As a general rule, drive at the same speed as traffic around you without going over the speed limit." Now considering most drivers go 100 km/h give or take a couple of clicks, it is a road hazard when someone is going 20 km/h LESS (or more) than the posted limit as it creates too much of a difference in speeds on the highway.

    As stated in the Highway Traffic Act : "Unnecessary slow driving prohibited

    132. (1) No motor vehicle shall be driven on a highway at such a slow rate of speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic thereon except when the slow rate of speed is necessary for safe operation having regard to all the circumstances. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 132 (1)."

    There is a reason why there are posted speed MINIMUMS in some states south of the border. The difference of speed is dangerous. I agree with the poster above - if you want to go 85, then you should not be on the highway. There are plenty of 80km/h roads that can be used as alternatives.

    Safety goes both ways - driving 85 is as bad as 120. It's all about the difference in speeds.

  6. Thank you for posting that paragraph from Ontario traffic Act. There are indeed legal precedents where people were at least initially ticketed for being too slow in a high flow, higher speed freeway/highway. In many of the cases I am familiar with, the speed differentials were too high and very

    And while the definition of "too high" is highly subjective depending on who we speak to, there are thresholds that most traffic engineers and law enforcement personnel seem to agree on. These thresholds are not only reflected on maximum and minimum speed limits already in effect throughout north America (i.e: posted Max=70MPH and MIN=45MPH) but also, many commercial vehicles are now being limited to 80km/h speed limits which again, is implemented in the wisdom of these thresholds.

    By far, the biggest, most common, most blatant and most dangerous speed offense is speeding either above the speed limit or at the speed limit when the road/driving condition should not allow.
    On this note and after consulting with several RCMP detachments, driving schools and DMV's throughout Canada, we were informed that, where appropriate, speeds of at most 20% below the posted speed limit are indeed safe and legal.

    Of course, there will always be those of us who will emphatically identify anyone driving slower and legally as an obstacle... And we will further identify "leagally slower" drivers as a primary cause of accidents - even though the overwhelming statistical evidence points to the other, more prolific end of the spectrum (speeding, aggressive driving, tailgating, etc).

    Frankly, this is not only expected but also symptomatic of so many other minor traffic violations many Canadians commit on a daily basis: The good sense and defensive driving instilled during Driver's ED, is often and quickly replaced by the ever-present bad examples on our roads.

    The advice we offer Canadians in doubt of what the legal speed ranges are in their area, is to approach their nearest DMV department... or law enforcement in their municipality and ask the questions.
    While being equipped with this and other defensive driving information will not shield us from criticism and complaints from other drivers, it is VERY comforting to know that you can never be faulted when operating within the safety limits the law affords you.

